Global Family Prayer Room Etiquette
Core Values of GFP
Global Family's goal is to point people towards Jesus. We want to focus our prayers on Scripture and our community in following Scripture's values. The prayer room is a placefor Scripture based prayers and God glorifying worship.
Check out our Core Values: https://globalfamily24-7prayer.org/images/GFP_Core_Values.pdf.
No Teaching in the Prayer Room
The prayer room is for prayer and worship, not teaching. We have a dedicated time on Fridays for teaching, encouragement, and fellowship. The GFP Leadership team invites special guests to lead this time. We invite all our Global Family to join us every week on Fridays 9-11 AM ET/ 4-6 PM JT.
No Fundraising in the Prayer Room
The prayer room is for prayer and worship, not for fundraising. If you have personal financial needs, we have trained Prayer Ministers who would be happy to pray for you. You can contact them at cor36ministries@gmail.com or you can join Global Family on Fridays 11AM-1PM ET/ 7-9 PM JT when our Prayer Ministers have time to pray for individual people.
Prayer Leaders are Seasoned Intercessors
Our prayer leaders for each hour are seasoned intercessors. Please follow their leading in prayer for the hour.
Our heart for GFP
Our heart for the prayer room is that we would be hosting Worship-saturated Prayer around the Throne, Around the Clock and Around the Globe!